New Security Construct: Sonic Emitter

Started by Joeliosis, April 15, 2016, 11:53:34 PM

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    The idea is that you build this thing to force the enemies to attack it with their fists, therefore creating a sort of Tanking-Turret. 
While playing with defensive layouts, Ive noticed that turrets have no first line of defense. The enemies run up, stun the turret, and boom, they're in.
    Lets add another security measure!
   If you research the cause of the psychic drone anomaly and have a basic understanding of electronics, your colony can construct the Sonic Emitter! Its an expensive armored platform which creates a constant sonic buzz which is unbearable to most lifeforms. This causes targets within its area of effect to lose all accuracy with firearms, and be forced to melee attack the device. This item will cost some silver and gold to make, since you have to create an amplified sonic device.


This sounds like a mod waiting to happened.. At least for the turtlers :)

Don't get me wrong, in games like Supreme commander I will turtle the ever living crap out of it.. but turtling in Rimworld kinda takes the risk out of it, and thus my sense of enjoyment.