not one, but two suggestions (animal balancing and more traits)

Started by Simon_The_Space_Engineer, May 30, 2016, 10:26:21 PM

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so for animals i think its annoying that i have to keep healing my cat fiesta after he goes out hunting. every time he attacks a squirrel or rabbit they always (every time he hunts i see his name in red from being hurt) attack back. i honestly don't think this is very realistic as they usually would have ran away. Id prefer to get a message saying my cats hungry after prey managed to run away instead of "fiesta is now fully healed" as well as how animals act around colonists. i had a bear walk in and just chill in my colony for several days and then because it got hungry it slaughtered my cat. you'd think that the bear might chase a colonist who is carrying a meal around until they drop the food or run inside instead of killing a cat and eating it after hanging around colonist for several days (bears dont hang around people. they just dont). final thing with animals is i dont think herbivores (up to the size of a deer or something) should attack back. nature made them to run from danger not attack it.

for traits i only have a few that i would like to see

mute: cant socialize with others very well (they listen but dont return conversation so the other person receives little to no mood bonus from talking to them)

emotionally harden: emotions dont bother them to much as they have learnt to block out the negative ones (my though is they dont receive as much be-buff to mood involving emotionally related things such as lost of a loved one or another colonist. how ever bonuses to mood involving emotions take a small hit in how much it provides as well to balance things)

ADHD: person is easily distracted unless they want to do the task they are performing or are good at it. they may stop in the middle of one task and go do another for a small time (they still follow priority list just not as well). doing something they dont like makes them antsy and loose joy or something a little faster. (they still act normal in combat) they also require less sleep from being so hyper all the time and can take meds to stop negative effects of the trait (mood drops a little from needing to take pills all the time) and pills would probably be easy and cheap to get (like one container lasts a season or two) finally they act a little spastic in social situations which can either positively (they do something funny) or negatively effect the mood bonus/de-buff (they appear to not be paying attention even though they are listening)

gun lover: basically brawler but with guns

explosions lover: basically brawler but with rockets and grenades

calming: people for what ever reason like this person for revealing stress and talking about it and the person with the trait happily talks to them about the stress

doofus: not the smartest person out there but naturally funny and good to be around. people like to interact with them and mood bonus slightly higher

romantic: they like love and people fall much more easily for them which can cause social problems between the ones that crush on the colonist with the trait. they also usually provide more mood bonus for their lover and less likely to have a problem with them

keep in mind these are what i would do with these traits and animal stuff but if there is a better way to do them then im perfect with that too :)
In the end, we all make the same leather hats.