Featuring the desert with Cassandra Classic on Challenge difficulty.

Started by skinicism, August 17, 2016, 09:01:00 PM

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  I went with the five lost tribe members... So, I got stuck with a chief that's incapable of hauling and is only a decent gay cheerleader. Then I got a 20-something young guy, a 20-something young woman and a 33-year old woman.
  All three have burning passions for shooting things and beating fires into submission using materials that don't conduct heat well... like chalk, cotton or fiber-glass. Then, I have a tribe member with a burning passion in melee and the skill points to back it up!
  We started off in the desert where there was only one really acceptable site to set up shop. There's enough space to grow cotton, herbal medicine and food once we set a freezer up with enough power to back it up. So far the map is filled with an abundance of steel and a nearby thermal vent. I didn't dig into a mountain since my crew is on the large hills terrain. Hopefully that won't come to bite me in the butt.