Religion in RimWorld

Started by whatnow96, September 15, 2016, 02:00:45 PM

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This game can go really in depth with some of the traits you can have for colonists and modders expand that even more, but I've never seen one for religions. I know that religion can be a touchy subject, but think of the potential. You could have like 7 "main" religions based off of real world religions but to fit RimWorld standards. Every culture ever has some sort of religion or belief system. Just to get your juices flowing I'm thinking of something like religions based off of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, and Indigenous. Obviously the religion would differ somewhat to fit RimWorld.

For example lets use Hinduism (my teaching in this specific religion is limited but just sorta to get the idea rolling). From what I've learned all these Gods make up the 1 main god. So in RimWorld you have this religion and maybe it increases pawn work speed or makes them not eat meat (cows) if they adhere to this religion. Maybe you want all your colonists to be Atheist? Who knows the possibilites that this sort mod or in game feature could get into. Then say you can have other colonies like the outlander towns adhere to 1 single religion and they send missionaries to convert your people. This could lead into building chapels and meditation gardens and stuff of that sort

I just feel like this would add a ton of depth to the game and it reflects something that is intrinsic in all cultures in the world the idea of a creator or enlightened person.


“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” ― André Gide



Quote from: whatnow96 on September 15, 2016, 02:00:45 PM
This game can go really in depth with some of the traits you can have for colonists and modders expand that even more, but I've never seen one for religions. I know that religion can be a touchy subject, but think of the potential. You could have like 7 "main" religions based off of real world religions but to fit RimWorld standards. Every culture ever has some sort of religion or belief system. Just to get your juices flowing I'm thinking of something like religions based off of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, and Indigenous. Obviously the religion would differ somewhat to fit RimWorld.

For example lets use Hinduism (my teaching in this specific religion is limited but just sorta to get the idea rolling). From what I've learned all these Gods make up the 1 main god. So in RimWorld you have this religion and maybe it increases pawn work speed or makes them not eat meat (cows) if they adhere to this religion. Maybe you want all your colonists to be Atheist? Who knows the possibilites that this sort mod or in game feature could get into. Then say you can have other colonies like the outlander towns adhere to 1 single religion and they send missionaries to convert your people. This could lead into building chapels and meditation gardens and stuff of that sort

I just feel like this would add a ton of depth to the game and it reflects something that is intrinsic in all cultures in the world the idea of a creator or enlightened person.

Indigenous has been constantly considered throughout human history to be referred to as "Paganism". Pagan beliefs would be interesting to explore, but the problem with adding religions is not screwing up the source material. So, having analogs based on real world religions is more of a social issue than a technical one.
Still, it would be interesting, if done right. And besides, Meditation and Praying are already actions in the game...


  Tynan already went over the issue of religious addiction in Rimworld when another player brought up the issue of it being akin to alcoholism. He refused to even consider it other than as communist propaganda by countries like Cuba and North Korea. Furthermore, another player he was conversing with stated that being under the influence of religion was a form of warmongering.


Still, it would be interesting, if done right. And besides, Meditation and Praying are already actions in the game...

Yeah i mean you already have those 2 actions in the game. Plus I mean adhering to a religion or a lack of one is just about the same if someone is "incapable of violence" or "staggeringly ugly"; Its a trait that defines the person and in some cases mean they have certain actions or lack of actions.


Making up religions for the game would be pretty neat, they could each have a special effect perhaps, and the colony could have colonists of all religion types. Some who would try to convert others while some would be unable to be converted. Non-believers and believers could have special social interactions (good or bad). The religions could have some veriants perhaps, borderline non-believer or fanatical. Some religions could be pacifist or militarist.