A15 Trader/Money Questions

Started by JuicyPVP, September 27, 2016, 01:04:52 PM

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Quote from: WhyBorne on September 30, 2016, 07:53:15 PM
I've learned to buy nearly EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT from EVERY trader that is sent my way. After a couple years of game play I will stop using components for new things if my count gets down to 20 or 25, because stuff will break and get blown up. You don't want to have zero components when your solar panel breaks. As long as trade is decent, you should have no problem building a good stockpile of components to use for weapons and power armor.

Exactly. Until you have the 30 components ready to build your component table (assuming your steel supply is not depleted), those early components should only be used for critical areas, food cooler and way to power it etc.


Quote from: stu89pid on October 03, 2016, 12:49:05 PM
Exactly. Until you have the 30 components ready to build your component table (assuming your steel supply is not depleted), those early components should only be used for critical areas, food cooler and way to power it etc.

"Assuming your steel supply is not depleted"

This is why I gave up building the component assembly bench.  Whatever my source of steel is (mining, traders, stuff falling from the sky) invariably also provides enough components.  I generally find myself running out of steel first.

But like the previous poster suggested I do stockpile components (and steel) to replace my turrets when they blow up.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Players definitely need to summon traders for the 300 silver. I summon traders almost daily (in game day). Bulk goods Traders to sell my excess vegetables/flake, and buy all their steel/components, and rare goods traders for their AI core (it isn't always there. I had to summon him like 7x before he had it), and sell my Thrumbo horns. While I have yet to DL mods, I will likely get the no mood hit for selling slaves mod soon as they are a pretty big source of silver for me. I had a -18 mood hit on my colony last night from clearing out my prison to an orbital trader.


I get reliable captures a couple of ways:

You need two high melee guys, heavily armored--prefer power armor.

Arm them with beer bottles or sticks of wood.

Have your shooters engage the raiders.

If you have a defensive shooter box, you can keep the melee guys in the box.  Eventually, the raiders' melee people will attack.  Manually target your shooters on the raid shooters.

Select 1 melee raider at a time, and put both of your melee guys on the same raid guy, preferably front and back.

Beat him into submission.  Rinse and repeat.

If you don't have defenses, or the raid has snipers and few melee, send your melee onto the snipers.  Make sure your shooters engage the snipers first.  A single melee should be able to beat a sniper easily.

Using the bottle reliably beats down the person without killing them.  I use it to control my pyros.

For components, I build the the bench as early possible, and buy every component I can.  If you are running large bases you will run out.


Making the mad Money--

I recommend avoiding selling any raw or unprocessed resource.  Avoid selling raw food.  One blight can easily wipe you out without a lot of silver or a year of goods in storage.

Assuming you have a decent construction guy, build furniture and sell it.  Bulk and exotics will buy it.  I make a lot of cloth furniture in the early and mid games.  You don't need a production table for it, and your construction guy skills up.

Skill up an art guy making wood and stone sculptures.  Even a bad sculpture yields okay money, and  the process of skilling up has an added benefit (of making ok cash).  Only exotics buy them, however.

Big money comes from getting masterwork pieces sold to space traders.  If you are on Cassandra, you will need to ramp up the amount you are earning dramatically to survive the game into mid and late.

I found once you get past 10K silver the money side gets much easier.


Quote from: steenhole on October 05, 2016, 08:22:12 PM
Assuming you have a decent construction guy, build furniture and sell it.  Bulk and exotics will buy it.  I make a lot of cloth furniture in the early and mid games.  You don't need a production table for it, and your construction guy skills up.

Really; I've heard this before, but seem unable to do it myself; the myriad of beds, chairs, and tables I'd made (trying to get high-quality ones to place) were none accepted by the tribal or outlander bulk or exotic merchants who visited my colony in that time. Is it only space traders who buy furniture? Only certain types of furniture? Are you using any mods, or is this in a vanilla-only game?

I hope you forgive my barrage of questions; you've done something I would very much like to do, so any guidance you can offer will be greatly appreciated. :)


double beds, royal beds, dining chairs, and tables aren't sellable (in A15). Single beds, equipment stands, animal beds, and arm chairs are sellable, and are buy far the best way to convert raw materials into tradeable goods; both bulk goods and exotic goods merchants will buy furniture so it actually expands your market over the raw materials (in addition to increasing the price you get).

Check out my economics post on Reddit for more specifics: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/55no7s/the_economics_of_rimworld/


I "beat" the game last night Escaped with all 16 of my peoples. Felt triumphant. :p So, I will be starting a new play-through soon. I am considering well prepared (or w.e its called) and the no mood hit on selling prisoners mods, but cannot decide if I want to play another vanilla or not. All of these tips are very helpful. I would like a mod that stops the coin flip insta-death on raiders so getting lots of people is easier.