Thunderstorms, Eclipses, Solar Flairs....Oh My!

Started by Phienyx, March 19, 2014, 10:10:28 PM

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Is it just me, or does it seem as if these occur way too often as to be abnormal and obnoxious.  I understand that they are intended to add challenge to the experience, but damn.....

....and it rains so much, it feel like friggin' Seattle or a dang rain forest.  What the Foxtrot man.  I assume there will probably be adjustments, but that is my input on the current state.


Quote from: Phienyx on March 19, 2014, 10:10:28 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem as if these occur way too often as to be abnormal and obnoxious.  I understand that they are intended to add challenge to the experience, but damn.....

....and it rains so much, it feel like friggin' Seattle or a dang rain forest.  What the Foxtrot man.  I assume there will probably be adjustments, but that is my input on the current state.

Rain seems to be generated by a large enough fire currently.


They all seem really frequent because there's not a whole lot of events currently in the game for the storytellers to pick from I think. If more events were added then the storms and eclipses and stuff could happen less frequently


Quote from: ousire on March 20, 2014, 03:42:19 PM
They all seem really frequent because there's not a whole lot of events currently in the game for the storytellers to pick from I think. If more events were added then the storms and eclipses and stuff could happen less frequently

Some happen much less frequently though.  And some things (like eclipses) should almost be predictable (granted, who knows how many moons the world has I suppose).

My squirrels go mad all the time from psychic waves.  I've only had one boomrat population go wild thus far.

*FAR* more destructive then anything else I've run into thus far.  Sure, one boomrat isn't a problem.  When theres a good 20-30?  well, whomever is fighting them is doomed.

I suppose I could probably have just sacraficed a pair of colonists (and potentially set off a chain reaction), but I didn't get to it until it was already inside my complex, thinking it was squirrels again :)


Quote from: porcupine on March 20, 2014, 04:06:37 PM
Quote from: ousire on March 20, 2014, 03:42:19 PM
They all seem really frequent because there's not a whole lot of events currently in the game for the storytellers to pick from I think. If more events were added then the storms and eclipses and stuff could happen less frequently

Some happen much less frequently though.  And some things (like eclipses) should almost be predictable (granted, who knows how many moons the world has I suppose).

My squirrels go mad all the time from psychic waves.  I've only had one boomrat population go wild thus far.

*FAR* more destructive then anything else I've run into thus far.  Sure, one boomrat isn't a problem.  When theres a good 20-30?  well, whomever is fighting them is doomed.

I suppose I could probably have just sacraficed a pair of colonists (and potentially set off a chain reaction), but I didn't get to it until it was already inside my complex, thinking it was squirrels again :)

I feel your pain. I've been working on a challenge build for my own amusement on Phoebe Friendly and the most threatening thing I've ever seen her do is send a wave of boomrats. I lost 2 colonists to a wave of muffalo and had a few injured, but when she sent a wave of boomrats it set half my town on fire


Quote from: ousire on March 20, 2014, 05:38:32 PM
Quote from: porcupine on March 20, 2014, 04:06:37 PM
Quote from: ousire on March 20, 2014, 03:42:19 PM
They all seem really frequent because there's not a whole lot of events currently in the game for the storytellers to pick from I think. If more events were added then the storms and eclipses and stuff could happen less frequently

Some happen much less frequently though.  And some things (like eclipses) should almost be predictable (granted, who knows how many moons the world has I suppose).

My squirrels go mad all the time from psychic waves.  I've only had one boomrat population go wild thus far.

*FAR* more destructive then anything else I've run into thus far.  Sure, one boomrat isn't a problem.  When theres a good 20-30?  well, whomever is fighting them is doomed.

I suppose I could probably have just sacraficed a pair of colonists (and potentially set off a chain reaction), but I didn't get to it until it was already inside my complex, thinking it was squirrels again :)

I feel your pain. I've been working on a challenge build for my own amusement on Phoebe Friendly and the most threatening thing I've ever seen her do is send a wave of boomrats. I lost 2 colonists to a wave of muffalo and had a few injured, but when she sent a wave of boomrats it set half my town on fire

So far, I've only played one game on Randy, but he's by far the easiest AI.

Not because of the events, but on Cassandra, I've always had an issue getting enough colonists to defend the camp.  On randy, I must have 50+ at this point, it's insane.

I think I lost half a dozen, and only laughed :)


Quote from: Phienyx on March 19, 2014, 10:10:28 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem as if these occur way too often as to be abnormal and obnoxious.  I understand that they are intended to add challenge to the experience, but damn.....

....and it rains so much, it feel like friggin' Seattle or a dang rain forest.  What the Foxtrot man.  I assume there will probably be adjustments, but that is my input on the current state.

I agree. Two of these cause darkness, and in addition to night, severely hamper solar power's usefulness. Its so bad, that unless I have at least one geothermal vent in a reasonable distance to my start spot, the colony is better off abandoned and restarted.


Nyeh. It's entirely possible to make a functional colony without access to a geothermal vent, you just need to ensure that your battery bank's storage capacity exceeds your daily usage and that you have enough panels to ensure the batteries charge up fast enough.

My last colony, on Chill Callie Classic, got to 180+ days before falling to a substantial raider party (that arrived not long after the last one!) without a single geothermal vent being used. That had 10 solar panels and 18 batteries supplying 49 standing lamps, 28 doors, 3 sun lamps, a cooker, a paste dispenser, a comms console and 8 turrets, totaling a usage of 14,100W with everything on. Typical consumption was ~10,000W though as I switch off lights in unoccupied rooms and only switch my turrets on when a raid is inbound (often switching off the lights/doors if there is an eclipse or something and power storage is getting uncomfortably low).

I still have the last save (at around day 177) so I've grabbed a screenshot...

Yes, those graves are full of corpses and not animals.
<insert witty signature here>


the issue I have with events currently is that you cannot reliably store enough energy to power a large base through an eclipse.. the storyteller Always, and I do mean always (even Randy) shortcurcuits a wall socket and everything explodes..


Quote from: Plasmatic on March 21, 2014, 08:15:16 PM
the issue I have with events currently is that you cannot reliably store enough energy to power a large base through an eclipse.. the storyteller Always, and I do mean always (even Randy) shortcurcuits a wall socket and everything explodes..

This is why I hate having to rely on batteries.

Plus, going around and manually turning off and on lights. Seriously? We have better tech than this NOW. I am not going to go around and be the light patrol when I'm already busy enough monitoring food supplies, micro managing hauling, and dealing with base defense, as well as planning out future expansions, tracking down resources, and keeping my eyes out for insane critters and travelers I want as part of the colony.

And I don't play on Chill Calli.