He fed, and guarded her for a year...

Started by Glitch0011, February 11, 2017, 11:36:53 AM

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So only just found this forum so no pics from when it happened given it was a while back (I think my second play-through actually...). But this story is why I recommend this game to anyone so here's the short.

Three people, two engaged, pretty happy times generally. Roped off a neat chunk of land behind some mountains to grow safely.

Pack of marauder's come around and in the resultant firefight kills the lonely bachelor and replaces half the bride-to-be's brain with less than perfect air, paralyzing her. The fiance manages to grab her gun and fight off the marauder's, then without a thought ('cos as a noob I'd written her off for dead, and didn't appreciate the "we have the technology, we can rebuild them" attitude of Rimworld yet ;) ) takes her to the poor wooden single bed, and starts to look after her.

Then begins the most glorious year of play ever. More people came and went, life went on, but he non-stop fed and looked after her. We're talking, at one point engaged in a violent bloodbath involving a broadsword over her head with a barbarian suicidally waving a grenade (I was genuinely on the edge of my seat with each swing).

I ended up looking up online and found you can't fix that kind of brain damage, which sucks a bit. I suppose now I've played a bit more I'd have just grabbed a few loose organs and saved the food. But that year was a roller-coaster of emotion, not because I wanted him to survive, but because if a single mission went bad for him.. what'd happen to her?

Of course, 'cos this is Rimworld, he got mauled by a surprisingly violent family of beavers, and as I tried to get her safely into a cryobed with the plan to write a mod to save her, the whole base went up in flames (again, noob, didn't have steel outside-walls or concrete fire-gaps).

That's the amazing thing about this game, you get a story, it's never going to end well, or be pretty. But watching him have a beer at the little table I put next to the same poor wooden bed from the start was touching.


It's amazing and frightening how attached one can get to a few pixels sometimes. =)
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


It's also kind of the whole point - the various RNG strategies are actually called Storyteller for a reason. ;)

Great story and thanks for sharing!