Save error -Output log + info in here

Started by carpediembr, January 09, 2017, 04:49:08 PM

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Hey guys, recently I started getting some error while saving (even automatic save). While trying to save, the game will pop up the below info:

Attached below, you can see the error logs. I'm unable to understand the info.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Can you please post your output_log.txt file as an attachment (the error log you attached is not the same thing). Details on where to find this log file can be found in the following thread (see#6).

Also are you using any mods, and if so how many? There is a known memory issue with A16, and the more mods you use, the worse it gets. So if you are using a lot of mods, then that's what's causing/making your memory issue worse.


Sorry, I guess I missed the sticky.

1. What the circumstances were: Playing the game and then trying to save the game (automatically or manually)

2. What happened: Either autosave tried to save or I manually try to save the game and an error popup shows up.

3. What you expected to happen: Be able to save the game:

4.Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine: Save the game (?)

5. savegame: (unable to attach)

6. Log File: See attached

Quote from: Calahan on January 09, 2017, 05:35:32 PM

Also are you using any mods, and if so how many? There is a known memory issue with A16, and the more mods you use, the worse it gets. So if you are using a lot of mods, then that's what's causing/making your memory issue worse.

Yes, I'm using a few mods, see below list. The game normally runs at around 20-30% mem on 3rd speed and 2 colonies.

    <li>Hand Me That Brick</li>
    <li>Craft Enhance</li>
    <li>Cooks Can Refuel</li>
    <li>Call of Cthulhu - Cults 1.1a A16</li>
    <li>Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors V1.4 A16</li>
    <li>Additional Joy Objects</li>
    <li>WM Reuse pods</li>
    <li>Vegetable Garden 5.3</li>
    <li>more factions</li>
    <li>Faction Discovery</li>

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Thanks for the log file. Since you are using so many mods I shall move this thread to mod bugs. Edit - On second thoughts I think I'll move this to bugs. As even though the mods and second colony are not helping the memory problem, the actual crash is still caused by an out of memory error. Plus your output/error log and screenshot might be useful in narrowing down the issue(s).

Quote from: carpediembr on January 09, 2017, 06:22:30 PM
The game normally runs at around 20-30% mem on 3rd speed and 2 colonies.
If I understand the memory problem correctly, the game usually runs fine at the start, but the amount of memory being used increases the longer you play a single session for, until a point comes when the system runs out of memory. So the main workaround right now is to either limit the number of mods you use, and/or save often using multiple save files (rather than the same file repeatedly) in case the save file corrupts during a failed save attempt. And running two colonies is also known to be an aggravating factor (so save very very often).

Tynan is aware of this issue though, so I'd expect a fix/improvements to appear in the next patch/update (whenever that might be released). Here's the rather lengthy Mantis report on this issue if you're interested (there are also several bug threads relating to this issue, both in bugs and mod bugs).


Thank you very much Calahan!

Hope the info helps a bit, till then Save after every warning message I guess :P


Thanks for reporting, it's a known bug which we will try to fix.