(A16.1391) Pet eating Meal while not hungry, outside of zone

Started by MikeLemmer, December 19, 2016, 01:50:41 AM

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I caught my pet husky devouring a Packaged Survival Meal while he wasn't hungry, one that was outside of his allowed zone to boot. See attached pic. I can provide a savefile if necessary.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


This might be related to this (fixed) bug on Mantis.
(Edit - Or maybe not, as the thread title says v.1391, which Tynan released on the 18th, and that bug was fixed on 16th or there about. So might not related at all).

Although the eating while not hungry aspect isn't mentioned in the Mantis report, so it might be a different bug (so I won't close this as a known bug because of that).


It's a result of the "eat random" behavior mentioned in that bug. The behavior itself is intentional, and not intended to be based on hunger, so this is not a bug.


So how do I stop it? Put it outside of his allowed area? Put a door between him and the meals? I can't exactly put it on top of a shelf...


The only thing that will for sure stop it is forbidden doors; I haven't looked at what you can do to make them tend towards less valuable things set. They won't do it that often, only about once every 25 days on average, so it shouldn't be a huge problem.


Ugh, I hate it when behavior is so random I can't tell if it's a bug or not.


I'm sorry, but I've seen this behavior as well and was told it was 'intended'.  Intentional or not, it breaks the internal logic of the game.

Your animals don't come with a randomly-implemented Chemical Fascination.  They should not jump their zone, wander over to drugs, and take luciferium because....?  With no doors-with-keys, or ways to set permissions (thinking Prison Architect) your only option is to Unforbid a door, tell a pawn to deliver to said room, remove pawn, forbid door.  Otherwise it's just a matter of time before Buddy the Wonder Corgi will stop what he's doing, sprint across the complex, and go smoke flake.

Now Buddy the Wonder Corgi is now a flake addict, and will continue to do so until you take 'em behind the chemical shed.  It would make ~more~ sense for the animal to randomly keel over then it would for your muffalo to develop opposable thumbs and a hankering for lighting up tightly-rolled smokeweed joints.

There's 'random'... and then there's whatever this is.  Please don't take this as any kind of rudeness, but in a game where the order in which things are constructed can force a pawn to build a gigantic dry-storage with only a small corner supporting, crushing him to death in the process...... or leave the same building roofless until every project real or imaginary if finished before putting a roof on.....

...I can't imagine any intentionally-obtuse, drug-smoking animal AI is really necessary.