A sleepdeprived minds thoughts on Rim World

Started by rutefly, May 04, 2014, 01:40:24 AM

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I dont know much about the programming design thingy part, but according to many posts here on the forums, mostly in the modders section, Rimworld is turning into quite a piece of art in that department.

So, what do i know then ?

Iknow that i  love that players can take part in the alpha phases of new games. And Rimworld has sucked us in with open arms more than any other game i can think of.

So, for the love of the game, here is a few of my thoughts i woke up with this morning and found crawling around inside my brain.

It seems we are unmistakably heading for the story-driven approach. And as such, i believe that allowing for multiple end game options could lead to even more colorful sories. Do we build a rocket to escape and possibly just crash again and start all over on some other godforsaken world ?
Do we stay and thrive. Build a huge metropolis, dealing with visitors and neighbouring faction politics.

Sometimes its the small things in games that fascinate us. What if, when a player chooses a game finishing path, a story gets generated based on the games statistics and what-nots, adding a little extra flavour.
Some paths leads to a new game somehow involving the feats from the last game. Others are final. Dunno. I like it when games take me places i cant fully predict. Its all about the journey ^^.

Being a mod-heavy title, letting mods take full control of endgame functions/thingies. Alot of exciting stuff can come from that. Dota is a good excample of how mods can evolve.

Keep the crazyness in the development process. Many games go stale in development way too early and you get that half-finished game taste in your mouth when you bite down on it.
There are a few great old titles in the past that had that epic and biblical quality. Im convinced Rimworld is heading in that direction.

Barricade sandbox/open-world games are among the toughest games to balance. Limit the players defense options ? Improve the raider A.I ?
I believe that the whole story teller a.i is an approach worthy of nothing less than a genius. Keep it up. Rimworld is getting more unique and brilliant everyday.

(Sorry about typo's. Its early in the morning, and im not 100% sure im even awake ^^).


As an afterthought. If amrried, get a divorce and dont look back. Have kids ? Sell them to the midicinal industry, and invest heavily in a bunker somewhere on a remote island. Fill it with twinkies, coffee and a bucket. Weld the door shut behind you, and dont come out until you have achieved perfection.

Did you forget to bring computer stuff ? Damnit, bunker is welded shut. Will have to wait for erosion to do its job.

On yet another thought scratch that, dont listen to the raving madman on the internet.

I need to scavange for some breakfast. *sets up turrets around computer and melees kitchen with bare hands*