[A16] Exceptional Food Consumption by Animal in Caravan

Started by Caleb1117, December 30, 2016, 10:46:20 PM

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I was playing to win by escape ship and was forming a caravan to leave, then abandon, my initial base.
3 pawns, 1 warg, and 1 muffalo.

  • Noticed food did not seem to add to the "X days supply" on the caravan UI.
  • Added in total 1500 pemmican, 150 kibble, as well as all my raw food (a few hundred rice and berries each), as well as ~60 dried berries from the medieval mod.
    • UI indicated 0 days supply and warned me from launching the caravan.
    • When the warg was removed from the caravan, the UI indicated ~30 days worth of food. 
      • Removing pawns or even the muffalo had more limited and expected effects.

    Pictures from when I re-created this scenario:


Wargs only eat raw meat or corpses. It works just fine if you add some warg-appropriate food.