Thoughts after near 100 hours

Started by blackhalo, January 17, 2017, 11:25:50 PM

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A fun game, props to devs.  But something has been slowly eating away at me.  It just feels like this game is so close to something utterly addicting.  I started thinking that a few more events and some tweaked defensive structures could do it.  I messed around modding some stuff but it just wasn't there.  I'm not pretending to know what the game needs, but instead I'm rambling out a few ideas in an attempt to show what I'm feeling its missing.

'you can only see where your colonists can see, everything else is dimmed'.  The goal of something like that is to bring excitement even to simple AI and repetitive events.  Especially if stuff like small raids (2-4 people) and whatnot didn't always have a notification pop up.  On the side, it would introduce a new time sink, guarding and new weapons like binoculars/looking-glass to increase sight range.   Bandits that just try to steal stuff could cause problems and hunting won't just be point and click on an animal, you'd have to wonder around and find them.  It'd soak up allot of man hours, possibly giving room to open up a more lenient hauling system (adding carts or sleds or whatnot)

If you built more camps, had multiple site locations across the map.  It'd mean being beaten back in a raid isn't akin to losing everything.  Actually promoting that playstyle might be tough, maybe if resources were more segmented around the map and there were ways to transport, at least colonists, or possible safehouses (a 1 or 2*2 structure that is VERY STRONG that you can hide your most important stuff or people in)  Maybe if gathering wood and mining had a 2nd step, you chopped the tree and then had to lumber it in a building, like you do with stone chunks it could help that too.

Make pros and cons to different shelter areas.  If you had to relly on different defenses when surviving in the open forest verse in a mountain, it could add allot more replay value to the game.  I mainly do medieval games, so if one of the main traps was only buildable on diggable ground or if fire was a more valid defense tool... like if you could build deliberate 'traps' that are just very flammable and walk-over-able... I've been messing around with using fire as a defense tool and I see allot of potential.  Especially if you make stone walls somewhat flammable and building rubble flammable too.

Aaanyways, well done, keep it up the good work :D


I agree about the variation ideas. I think it builds on the original goals this game is trying to accomplish, the challenges of survival.


I agree with the events

Tired of having Manhunter pack or Beavers


Quote from: Sukesa on January 24, 2017, 07:10:36 AM
I agree with the events

Tired of having Manhunter pack or Beavers

Modding events, adding events definitely does help.  Like after tweaking some stuff I had a manhunter pack come through and ransack the guys seiging my settlement, not only sparing me the bloody battle but feeding my starving people.   Once I had to send out a brave hero to charge into an incoming raid and shoot this phycic ship causing a massive battle between worms and pirates.

The game has its moments, its just yeah, you're right, without some help events will just be repetitive.  What gets me is that even if I mod the incidents xmls and storytellers to try and spice things up... if I get unlucky... if I get too many or unluckily timed raids/exc.. I immediately lose everything.  I mean EVERYTHING.  I'm honestly better off just starting a new game allot of the time after getting ransacked.  I have little more than when I started the game and the AI raids have already scaled up...