Why are there no vehicle mods?

Started by Anonymoose, March 13, 2017, 02:34:56 AM

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I was browsing through the released mod section, and I realized that there are no vehicle mods.
I personally do not know how to mod, but is there someone out there that can?
I mean, we have chem fuel.
Let me know if this concept is possible right now.
Also let me know if you found a vehicle mod.


The biggest problem is (we) do not know how this shoud work.

You have the ability, how you can see it on the second picture, to add vehicles trough apparel, which is a disgusting function (for me) i woud prefer to have the ability to place it and drive with it, but then how shoud this work, only on "streets" or shoud they work like the pawns move. Its difficult to get a good solution.



Quote from: Raccoon on March 13, 2017, 08:02:27 AM
The biggest problem is (we) do not know how this shoud work.
Thank you! ;)


Quote from: Raccoon on March 13, 2017, 08:02:27 AM
The biggest problem is (we) do not know how this shoud work.

You have the ability, how you can see it on the second picture, to add vehicles trough apparel, which is a disgusting function (for me) i woud prefer to have the ability to place it and drive with it, but then how shoud this work, only on "streets" or shoud they work like the pawns move. Its difficult to get a good solution.


Could implement it as a new Pawn class with a container for the driver. Make its faction match the driver, add a special ThinkTree that only activates if the container is filled. Raiders spawn with pre-filled vehicles, colonists enter via float menu option. Implement custom TakeDamage method to allow damage to the crew capsule to propagate to the driver. If you want to get fancy you could make multi-crewed vehicles by locking ThinkNodes/stats to passenger number. So you could have e.g. a tank with a driver (unlocks move commands), gunner (unlocks shooting) and commander (boosts stats).
"The power of friendship destroyed the jellyfish."


Could implement it as a new Pawn class with a container for the driver. Make its faction match the driver, add a special ThinkTree that only activates if the container is filled. Raiders spawn with pre-filled vehicles, colonists enter via float menu option. Implement custom TakeDamage method to allow damage to the crew capsule to propagate to the driver. If you want to get fancy you could make multi-crewed vehicles by locking ThinkNodes/stats to passenger number. So you could have e.g. a tank with a driver (unlocks move commands), gunner (unlocks shooting) and commander (boosts stats).

Great Idea! I looked again for an Alpha 16 mod, nothing.


Quote from: Hydromancerx on March 13, 2017, 07:53:40 AM

Those ATVs could also haul the carts that are hooked to the muffalos. And pawns could use them alone as well. (or a different version of them.)

For people who don't know, that was all in the mod: Arbitration: Realistic Research


Killface made a mod called "Tools for Haul Revived" which used all those vehicles and carts. Even had saddles in it though they did not work. Seems like he is still working on it.

