Game lags while not paused after colony is 1y+ old inGame and game was reloaded.

Started by Leux, July 24, 2017, 08:39:23 PM

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first of; I have a heavily modded game. *cough* around 150mods *cough*

And now to my little problem:
Once a colony gets older than one year, and(!) I reload the game, I experience a VERY tiring Lag problem; while time passes inGame the Game freezes every second and stays frozen for around five seconds, I don't get any logs or errors here.
I only get Logs once I have started the Game and are in the mainscreen. (see attachment)
Removing the mentioned Mods seems to have no effect.

I monitored the CPU while experiencing the issue and found that the CPU load drops to 25% while 'time freezes' and rises to 32-39% while 'time continues'.

"Divide et impera" the Divide and conquer method does not really work here; many of my Mods are interdependent and testing if the turned off Mod is the issue would take days.

Soooo~ does anyone have any suggestions what else I could try?

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]