Sleeping Debuffs // Reduce Sleep Issues

Started by LouisTBR, October 24, 2017, 06:50:19 PM

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Sleeping is a very fine mechanic in Rimworld. If a pawn falls asleep outside for, say, a second, they get "Slept On Ground" and (if applicable) "Slept in heat/cold". Additionally, if after that second they are drafted and sent bed, they get "Disturbed Sleep". These are there for a good reason, but sometimes they stack heavy and cause bad moods for a small problem.

If pawns had an hour or so of "Pre-sleep", so their rest still goes up but for the first hour of sleep no "Disturbed Sleep" or outdoor sleep debuffs can occur, giving you time to adjust their sleep position so as not to cause debuffs. This way, the important debuffs will still take effect, but they won't be as unrealistically prevalent and constant as they currently are.

Sidenote: Loving A18!
Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"