Fat pawns should move slower

Started by Sbilko, October 11, 2017, 07:20:44 PM

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I suggest that pawns should move at a speed relative to their weight. Thinner pawns should move faster; and fat pawns, slower.

Pawns who have the medieval "Taster" biography are always overweight, so they would always move slower.

Traits such as Fast Walker should not appear on pawns who are as overweight as those who have the "Taster" biography.

However, fatness shouldn't affect working speed, the same way as it shouldn't affect "Manipulation."  All it should affect is Moving, and maybe it could slightly affect other characteristics of the pawn.

A fat pawn should be more likely to have the "Arthery blockage" ailment. Maybe they could also be made to eat a little faster, as well as become hungry faster. Also, they should eat more in one sitting.

Lastly, but not least, fat pawns should be more resistent to Malnutrition, since they have more fat reserves in store.


The title tho :)

Weird idea, but I was thinking of the same thing. Could work really well.


The title was my initial idea, but then I developed it more. I should have changed the title later.

And glad you thought the same.

Call me Arty

   I like this idea, just spent a while trying to figure out how to call it bad before I realized it'd basically be another kind of trait/backstory element to further personalize pawns.

   Maybe there need to be a few minor bonuses too, like higher overall health and better heat insulation. Not enough to make them winter-proof, but noticeable.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!

Yoshida Keiji


there is more to the issue than the simplicity of a fat character walking slower. a better if more complex solution would be a nutrition-exercise system that would come into play in various situations. for example, a pawn who has fallen ill and been bedridden for a long time would logically also be weakened and slowed due to lack of exercise, until they got back into shape. in some situations, having some fat on your colonists could be a good thing, granting them a few extra days of stored nutrition that will help keep them alive if the crops become blighted or the freezer malfunctions or gets bombed by an enemy mortar.
