Bulk crafting mod/base game option

Started by Wulfik, March 11, 2018, 03:35:32 AM

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I just wanted to ask:

Would it be possible to create mod/code it into game, that we would be able to craft items in desired amount from the start ?

Not only we could set desired limit, but we could craft for example 37 simple meals at once. The game would calculate needed resources/work, colonist will haul needed items and will craft the product/s in one go, rather than crafting 37 times single meal or using mods that either let you craft 10 or 50 (10 is not enough while you might not have resources for 50).
Bill would stay, you could just change number, so once finished, you could see last time you crafted 37 items, now you choose 63 and colonist will start working again on the same pre-set bill.

Would this be possible ? Would it be possible to make it compatible with everything from cooking, components, drugs etc. even from mods ?

If so, it could increase efficiency of making things, and limit the needed amount of mods (that specifically ad just bulk crafting of various items).

Thanks  :)

Ser Kitteh


Having to individually create simple meals are a pain. Maybe not to the point of making 40 meals in one sitting, but things like bulk crafting medicine, bricks and meals should very much be a thing.

sick puppy

Quote from: Ser Kitteh on March 13, 2018, 11:38:52 PM

Having to individually create simple meals are a pain. Maybe not to the point of making 40 meals in one sitting, but things like bulk crafting medicine, bricks and meals should very much be a thing.
bulk cooking makes sense. you can totally cook a whole bowl of spaghetti for 10 people with barely more time needed.

bulk medicine CAN make sense, but it really depends how you look at it. if you literally just mash together neutroamine and ONE type of herb, put it on some cloth to make sort of a plaster out of it, like a band aid, ok.
but since you use medicine for all kinds of sicknesses, burns, frostbite, cuts, bruises, gunshot wounds and torn parts after explosions, it is safe to bet that even the herbal medicine on its own has many different kinds, it just isnt specified (unlike 50 kinds of leather and meat). logically, the different herbs that you grow to cure all these diseases and so on will also combine into different actual medicine. but just as before, we dont get it specified as aspirine, paracetamol, ibuprophene or opium to name a few of the most well known ones.
and i like the way it is right now, nice a simplified, but not silly, where you can make 10 packs of medicine or something.

bulk cutting stone doesnt make any sense. you cant grow more arms to multitask stone cutting. you cant carry multiple chunks of rock with you either, so your pawn needs to walk multiple times anyway, so you cant even put like three rock chunks on the workbench for efficiency. the only thing you can do and you can already do that now, is to make a stockpile for the rock chunks and make your pawns (or animals, which i much prefer) haul them close to the workbench for your crafter.

something that i would like to see in addition to these suggestions is bulk crafting ANY other drug, really. medicine doesnt make any sense, but the drugs are one specific kind each. obviously rolling blunts cannot be multitasked, but especially flake seems to me that it could totally be bulk crafted.

what i'd definitely recommend though is changing the balance of the bulk craftables. generally, it should take much more time to cook a single meal, but bulk cooking should be pretty much the same speed, only very slightly above it. bulk cooking lavish meals shouldnt be possible though. there is no cook in real life that can make "lavish meals" in bulk.
crafting drugs one by one should also take way longer. as a chemical engineer i can assure you, producing any drug in real life is an extremely lengthy process if you dont have machines doing it for you (in bulk, obviously) in rimworld crafting drugs in bulk should speed up the process considerably.

Ser Kitteh

Actually the bulk crafting mod does just that with stone chunks. Haul three to make a ton, so yeah it works!

sick puppy

Quote from: Ser Kitteh on March 14, 2018, 11:28:33 AM
Actually the bulk crafting mod does just that with stone chunks. Haul three to make a ton, so yeah it works!
but where's the logic in that
do you get more cut stone if you cut three chunks at once in comparison to cutting three rock chunks after eachother? wth

Ser Kitteh

Quote from: sick puppy on March 14, 2018, 09:57:36 PM
Quote from: Ser Kitteh on March 14, 2018, 11:28:33 AM
Actually the bulk crafting mod does just that with stone chunks. Haul three to make a ton, so yeah it works!
but where's the logic in that
do you get more cut stone if you cut three chunks at once in comparison to cutting three rock chunks after eachother? wth

I don't see the lack of logic. Rather than doing one stone at a time, the colonist takes three chunks and takes three times longer to make three equivalent bricks. It's no different from making 4 meals at once via Feed the Colonists or other similar mods.


I can only speak to bulk crafting of meals through Vegetable Garden, but for me it's a big QoL thing.  The reason is because it allows me to keep food in the refrigerator for the most part without my cook spending half their day hauling ingredients 5 at a time to the stove. 

I hate the contortions you have to go through to keep food right next to the stove to get any kind of reasonable efficiency in meal preparation with the vanilla single meal limitation.  It's immersion-breaking because I'm thinking about how to work around the game mechanics, not how to run my colony.

Call me Arty

 I second this. Many mods already do it, and a slider would be helpful so that my bills tab isn't filled with arbitrary "make simple meal, make four simple meals, make ten simple meals." Plus, it keeps my pawns from having to do some extra legwork. I'm totally okay with it.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!


Quote from: Aerial on March 16, 2018, 08:41:41 AM
I hate the contortions you have to go through to keep food right next to the stove to get any kind of reasonable efficiency in meal preparation with the vanilla single meal limitation.  It's immersion-breaking because I'm thinking about how to work around the game mechanics, not how to run my colony.

Exactly how I feel.  Would definitely like to see bulk recipes in vanilla 1.0.. Bulk recipes doesn't really mess with the balance of the game IMO. Restricting things such as meals to a single recipe only makes it harder for beginners. Adding something like a slider for the bill as Arty suggested would be a nice touch.