[Mod Request] Trapping Animals

Started by Goreko, February 12, 2018, 07:04:11 PM

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I am currently looking for a mod to handle trapping animals in some way, with the Wild Animal Sex mod constantly creating more animals that spawn I would love to have some way to balance it out without having 100 colonists shooting with a 2% chance to hit a hare and failing to kill them. The only other mod that I have found so far with animal traping was Survivalist Additions by CuproPanda and with CuproPanda retiring from Mods and the current lack of mods that deal with killing animals, I was wondering if anyone else had knowledge of a B18 mod with this capability or the ability to edit the current traps in game to do so or modify the traps found in something like Medieval Times.

Thanks for reading this block of text btw!
If you ever find yourself feeling down, just think about all those boomrats you could blow up!