accept rotten puts in all animals, make rotten only storage

Started by Bobisme, August 24, 2018, 12:06:48 PM

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I am sure this has been suggested before and possibly been addressed and fixed in other versions, i am on B18..

The problem is you can't have a stockpile that separates rotten from fresh,if you want to store rotten, you have to say store all my dead 'animals here' this shouldn't be the case, you should have the ability to store, ONLY rotten, the fact is 99% of the time when you are storing animals it is only for  not rotten, the priority is back to front.

Perhaps an:

*only rotten
*only fresh
when you want to store rotten, you have to micro manage to ensure what gets stored is the rotten, other wise they will be storing any animal they feel like

i understand there is a work around by using priorities:  low priority storage with allow rotten, high priority with  'rotten not allowed' though, when you have several storages.. would be easier to say only rotten, only fresh, there is never a time when you want to store both, in my experience.

Just sayin..


For B18 (plus a couple previous alphas) you can use this mod:

Using this mod, you now have a filter for fresh. So you can set your stockpile for animals, check the rotten filter, and un-check the fresh filter.

It has been addressed in the unstable build. Basically the functionality of the above mod is included in vanilla now, along with similar filter for tainted (previously deadman's) clothes.