Colonists do not fulfill recreation until horseshoe pin is moved

Started by InstallPegLeg, October 20, 2018, 10:20:36 AM

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This seems to be different from issue 3528:

I've had at least three games since 1.0 was released where after a few days the colonists would stop trying to fulfill recreation by any method.  Even setting their restrictions to recreation for all hours and unchecking all work types will not get them to use any form of recreation - horseshoe pins, chess tables, walking, cloudwatching, etc. were all available but all they did was wander.

This happens until I move the horsehoe pin from outside to inside.  Once I've done that, all of the colonists started using it to refill their recreation meter.

This has consistently happened on all of my new games after a few days of having a horseshoe pin outside.  I pretty much always start with the pin outside until I have a dining room/rec room built and then move it inside.  Once it's inside this doesn't seem to happen again.


Are the colonists bored with dexterity play? They won't do the same thing over and over forever.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Definitely not in the last game this happened in, but I'm not certain about the previous ones (I really doubt it though, since it was always within the first five or so days of landing).  There were other forms of entertainment like the chess table or the "solitary" entertainment type and they weren't doing any of those, either.

I'll check again on a new game today.


I've started 2 games since I last posted and haven't ran across this issue again.  I must have been farther along in the previous games then I thought and had colonists bored of throwing shoes at pins.