Forward observers/Scout team for mortar section

Started by Gwalchfaen, July 26, 2014, 05:31:16 PM

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As a former 11C (Infantry Leads The Way, Huah!) in the US Army, I see a possible niche for a Forward Observer mechanic with respect to the mortars. Say you have a few folks, lightly armed, in a concealed position with LOS to the enemy, relaying the adjustment of fired rounds ("No you doorknob! That round fell 100 meters north of the damned Centipede! Drop 100, over!"), and increasing the accuracy of mortar teams. Likewise, enemy scouts could infiltrate and be calling in rounds on your base. Maybe the teams could need a radio or something to relay info or something, who knows.

Just a thought.

Love this game by the by, great job and keep it comin'!



Damn, I didn't look back far enough in the Suggestions or I'd have seen yours. Very well said.