Where is the modding rules regarding DLC's such as Royalty?

Started by hauvega, May 15, 2020, 12:50:13 PM

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Just exploring the assembly code and came across this:
"Royal titles are a Royalty-specific game system. If you want to use this code please check ModLister.RoyaltyInstalled before calling it. See rules on the Ludeon forum for more info."

I am wondering why the rules are not listed and pinned on the forums.

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     For convenience and absolute clarity these particular set of rules for modders should be posted in the modding section of the forums and in text file in the main and mod folder section in the game itself.  It is easier to grab the attention of the modder placed in the right areas.  Community rules are more of a general topic related to behavior on the forums itself. 

     Posting the important parts in the targeted areas will be more visible to the end user.  I have certain sections bookmarked to go to everytime.  I do not need to go to non needed areas.  Placing the rules in the appropriate areas would be useful for new modders as well.

     Also an example of how to handle any DLC content through conditional patching or other methods.   

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rules in every forum section?
are you kidding?

there are only "one" rules and this is only correct method to implement rules.

as for coding, follow rules and post you code and ask is posted code okay or not okay.