[1.2][Royalty] Losing colonists on Mission_Banditcamp using Autoload

Started by ludeon.kia, September 13, 2020, 09:31:40 PM

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When you return from an Empire mission, while the colonists are disembarking hitting the 'Autoload' button will reload colonists.  These colonists will not disembark again, so when the shuttle takes off, those colonists will be lost forever.

To replicate, start a Mission_Banditcamp mission, destroy the base and return on the shuttle. While the colonists are getting off, hit the autoload button, some colonists will get back on. Turning autoload off and back on again will trigger more to get back on the shuttle.


Can I get your full length version number for this save?  Also a bit more details.  How large of a shuttle load was this, 4 pawns, 12?  I attempted to repro this and was unable so a save would be nice.


Version: 1.2.2753

I started a new vanilla colony and triggered a Mission_Banditcamp. Picked any one of the options. The one I picked had 12 enemies and required 14 colonists. So I spawned colonists to the 14 and jumped in the shuttle. Killed all the enemies and returned in the shuttle. This is the point the save file picks up. After it lands, select the shuttle and click the autoload button multiple times after a few have disembarked. Colonists will get back on the shuttle. I was able to turn my 14 colonist colony to a single colonist by doing this.

In the original bug report I attached a video of the process.  In this one I'm linking to the save file:

