[1.3.3159] Biosculpture pods mess up safe drug timing, cause addictions

Started by Kelenius, November 23, 2021, 05:01:14 AM

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When a colonist uses a biosculpture pod, they are "frozen" until the cycle finishes. This includes any drug tolerances they might have. As a result, if a colonist takes a drug shortly before entering the pod, they will still have tolerance to it when the cycle finishes. However, drug schedule set to taking drugs every X days only checks how many days passed since the last dose and isn't frozen. This means that a colonist can take a drug, get into the biosculpture pod, get out, and then take a drug again, and develop an addiction even if the drug schedule should make it safe to take.

I assume that cryptosleep caskets would have the same problem, but I didn't test it.

This issue is a little tricky to reproduce, but a colony of colonists set to take psychite tea every 2 days (which is normally safe and will never cause an addiction) that uses biosculpture pods will eventually start developing addictions on colonists who have just finished a pod cycle.

Expected behaviour: biosculpture pods should freeze drug schedules as well. Alternately, there should be other methods for ensuring that colonists only take drugs on a safe schedule, like a setting to only take it when there's no tolerance, or to only take it when it's safe to take.


Thank you for the feature request, I will put it in my post for dev review!