
Started by emilio2593, October 09, 2014, 01:43:36 AM

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Adding the ability to carry a backpack would aid when going hunting for long distances. Sometimes colonists are too hungry to make it back, although resting wouldnt be a problem because they could line on any grass. The backpack doesn't have to carry much, but at least one or two meals.


I really hope this gets added
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
-Thomas Edison

Damien Hart

Technically, colonists already have the capability to carry items like food with them - it's how visitors carry their own food. We just have no way to interact with that system (yet).


they just need to grab meals if say nobody else is hungry (dont need hoarders) then carry them.  if they are set to fight and get hungry they just eat it if they arnt shooting.  or if they get hungry during a job on the other side of the map then they eat it there.  sleeping bags would be handy in case they are near the mental break limit and too far to sleep in bed.  sure, a negative mood mod for it but thats better than them going insane.