Much thanks to Tynan for creating a great game that has so much potential.

Started by The_Haminator, December 17, 2014, 09:10:49 PM

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I just wanted to say that this game is more enjoyable then the majority of finished AAA title 60$ games AND IT IS ONLY EARLY ALPHA.

That is something to be proud of. A week ago I'd just read about this game for the first time. I was skeptical as I've bought many games in early access or alpha and been disappointed by the progress, hold ups, changes and overall mis-direction sometimes used to sell EA games these days.

Rimworld has so much potential its hard for me to even handle idea crafting for it as I become overwhelmed with how great this game can and certainly will become in time. Honestly the game is missing so much, yet you can hardly notice as the core gameplay itself is so satisfying.

I've let all my buddies and clan members on steam know about this game and how much I'm enjoying it. I think the only hold up for most people buying is that it's not on steam (which I am aware of the reasoning for). Once this releases on stream I'm 100% confident this is going to be a Terraria level successful release and I'm so excited for it. You deserve it for working so hard and making a game with such a great foundation for which to expand from (deep detailed stats, complex mechanics etc).

Anyways, all the best to you Tynan. I check the changelog daily and If I had any programming/art skills at all I'd gladly volunteer my services to this wonderful game!



I'd have to agree. Especially since modding is so friendly and easy, anyone can add something if they feel like it! :)
On the right path, but the wrong medication.

I like how there's a thing that displays how long you've logged in to the forums. It shows just how many hours you've spent here, never to get back...


A strong love-hate relationship is a sign of a legendary game.

Dwarf Fortress? Check.
"Come on, come on... dig faster... You! Urist! Go cut some trees. W-- whoa.. what? Where's the axe? Rhesus macaques stole my only axe! Damn you, apes! Damn youuu!"

Jagged Alliance 2? Check.
"A-ha! Gotcha now! Suck lead, redshirt... BOOM! Eh? Wolf? How can you miss? He's like 3 tiles away...! Nooo!"

RimWorld? Check.
"No, don't run th-- Goddamnit. Now go grab... Oh wait, you're not a hauler... No, I said go grab the.. That's better. Whoooa! Why is the generator on fire! UGH! Fine, let that damn thing burn... No, I said let it burn! Now, report to the infirmary. Wish you'd stop trying to hug the flames... Need a medical bed... GAH! NO MEDKITS! Fine. Walk it off. Goddamnit, walk it off, I said! Good, go eat. WHY AM I LOW ON FOOD! What now? A pirate raid! They're well-armed? Good!"


You forgot XCOM:
Assault, 3 tiles away, 99% chance to hit, 75% critical chance. "I got you now, you slimy alien bastard!" *miss*
"ZOMG, smoke grenade, suppression, do something!!!"

Planetary Annihilation Imminent


Everyone tells me I'd love Dwarf Fortress but have never tried it, I've also heard great things about XCOM.

Just looked up Jagged Alliance 2 which looks awesome as well! Glad we all seem to have the same kinda taste in here.

If I was to throw out three of my all time favourite games I'm gonna assume these are ones some of you may have enjoyed as well.

Populous: The Beginning
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 & 3 (WOG edition a plus)
Shadowrun (for Genesis)

Still to this day I hope for someone to create a completely new game based on the core gameplay, style and mechanics of Populous: The Beginning. The problem with reboots is wayyyy to much gets changed in a game to "keep it fresh and new". The reason its a reboot is cause people loved the way it was and just wanted some updated graphics, expanded mechanics, additional content and a refreshed playerbase. NOT A BRAND NEW GAME. (looking at you GODUS). Rant over

I swear if i had the patience to learn programming I would spend my life trying to build the games I've always dreamed would exist. Hell I spend all my free time now playing, reading, idea crafting, dreaming of games why the hell not learn to make them.


Thank you very much Haminator, I appreciate it.

It means a lot to actually get personally thanked for your work.

Also, funny you guys would mention JA2, DF, and XCOM. These are all key inspirations for RW.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


You're very welcome Tynan.

To the ongoing success of Ludeon Studios and Rimworld!!