Alot Suggestions from me.

Started by Bainin, November 20, 2013, 06:53:38 AM

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(About me)
First off hi im Bainin im 21 years old and from switzerland so my english is not perfect. So in case you people cant understand me pls tell me :-)
I played Dwarf Fortess like 200 - 400 hours and i love games like this so i have alot of ideas and suggestions to make the game better.
I know alot of suggestions may cant be implementet or it takes a long time. Im happy iv the dev read them at least.
I had no time to read other suggestions or patch note i go later to that.


Ressource: Change Metal icon into normal Ressource icon and make Metal a recours of high value adding some trees (maybe can be planted by the players) as a medium value ressource (reproduceable) and Stone/animal hides (maybe somthing else) very low Value ones.

Trees: as mentioned it would be nice iv there where a sparse amount of trees you can harvest, maybe be able to buy seed from Trader or Research to plant them ur self.

Windmill: Energy source weaker then Solar but works day and night (have to be outside)

Robots: you could build robots for single easy tasks like cleaning (robots work only indoor cant move on sand/dirt) the robots have to use Energie in order to reload they could go to a player build platform (where the bot wait for use and recharge)  iv energy runs out before they reach the platform they will stay still and wont move so players have to haul them to recharge spot. The robots also could go crazy making evrything dirty or atack people.
Robot idea list: Cleaning bot, repair bot, haul bot.

Robot technology (high end/end game) you could need this research in order to research diffrent robots (or buy recepie of traders which would be rare and/or also have to be studied)


If we keep in current  style, I don't think either stone or wood would be of much use. And having 2 additional resources for these 5-6 building possibilities later on doesn't seem like a good trade. This is of course based on current state of the game - it all depends on what Tynan plans to add. Even then, adding two new resources needs to be considered heavily. I think this is best left in Tynan's capable hands - being the only one having more or less clear vision on future additions, he can best decide what resources need adding.

Windmill? Wind turbine, all right. Windmill is rather out of place, but I think it's wind turbine you meant ;) This is a great addition, and you can very easily tie it to events - making it respond differently to different types of weather.

As for robots - I'm very pro some little cute robot cleaners. Repair bots? Mayyyyybe... I don't really think they fit into Firefly universe that well, but after all it's not Firefly universe. Anything above that is too much in my opinion, but again - you need a well better view on the whole picture to decide on that.

And research WILL be improved ;) That is for sure ;)


Thats just some suggestions :3. I wrote already i know lot of them wont be implemented, i think it could be a addition making carpet out of metall looks not logical to me (it bugs me a tiny bit) but iv its ressource it could fit, there is not even a need for additional recoursses.
Stone, wood and animal hide are my suggestions he could use barly evrything he likes as a ressource :-).

The game cant stay in his current form forever (game depth, im fine with setting and else i just want some more things to do) so i suggest things that changes something adding more depth in the game. I will make alot more suggestions, maybe out of place or rlly fitting. As mutch as i read there are medival people and Machine God evrything we might emagine :-).

Im also not that sure about repair/haul bot, it depends on how strong enemys will be in this game for simple raids like now its a bit overpowered, but iv aliens like Zergs or Cyborgs /Android it worth considering.


lightning conductor?
I dunno iv thats the right word it would absorb lightning keeps ur stuff save. Also it could be used to get a lot of energy at once, but iv the batteries are already full the battery/s will explode.

Crafting by workshops but im pretty sure that is comming because we should be able to craft us some weapons (weapon smith traid is a hint), yeah we can collect rlly mutch weapons of the killed enemys but i think at the start we have also just a gun and with randy random mod it would make things easyer :-)

Also crafted id like to have some traps beside this Mine,  a regular mine, Beartraps or somthing more fun maybe you people have a
good idea ;-).

Power generator.
It would be nice to have something generating power without the need of beeing outside or on a geysir, maybe burn something or let a settler use a dynamo bicycle xD

A short ranged not rlly accurate gun which stuns enemys so you can catch them easyer without killing.

Something agaist the dying plant event blight or something, reduce the lose around the half so you still have some food.


There's really low chance some sentient cyborgs or alien races will come to play, with Tynan clearly going for humans being the only real player in this universe. There can be post-human races (evolved humans), so maybe a place for pseudo-aliens or cybernetics in some forms will come to play, but it's really hard to say.

As for resources... this is really hard to say, because I don't think we have any real knowledge of Tynan's vision at this point. There are two things to consider here - how will he approach early game and how will he approach resources.

Early game is a huge unknown. There are some movements for very solid feel of pre-technology early game, and darn - it actually fits the game's setting very well. Wild west like wooden huts and fortifications - there, you have a huge use for stone and wood in early game. This is all well and good, but there's a major problem with that - at some point you need to toss it all out the window to switch to next technological phase. And you want there to be at least three stages, because two... two is simply kind of fast and kind of splits the game in two. You have two mini games instead of one with progression. Not so great. All that puts a huge strain on the workload you need to put in, so my bet would be Tynan will rather leave it for a future module. Don't get me wrong - it's a REALLY great thing and would benefit the game greatly - not to mention with three solid stages people could choose to lock it all in one stage and you actually end up with much more attractive game. But again - it's better to have something like that really well polished, so either leave it for later, or leave it for modders and as a possibility work from there.

Second thing is the approach to resources. There are two schools here - either you play big on them and actually play into massive and diverse production lines, putting a lot of potential resources into play; or you play it more like Supreme Commander with almost no resources but a HUGE pressure put into their management. We probably should expect something in the middle with favour to the first approach - but of that I cannot be sure. It definitely fits a base/colony builder much more, where the second approach is more likely to be seen in strategy games. But there were cases where you would see it mixed up, and successfully, too.

Maybe a word or two on the second approach, because I really like to talk about that case :) From my personal viewpoint, no game ever did such a great management play with resources as Supreme Commander - having to actually consider their balance instead of amount was a huge blast and completely changed approach and dynamics of the game. Basically what you would do is to pay in resources balance (income/outcome rate) - so your resource tab shows how much you gain or loose per second in addition to how much you have in stock. You want to build a unit that takes 20 seconds to build and costs 200? It's cost is actually 10 resources per second. Or maybe 20, if you decide to build it with two constructors instead of one. You compare it to your own balance, you check how much stock you have (in case you end up with negative balance), you can do a lot of things with this. There's a chance this will put you in negative balance - but your stock will be enough to survive the drain, or maybe you'll decide to suffer this 2-3 seconds long shut-down where your stocks run dry and every construction you're doing shuts down until you can get back to positive balance. This kind of detail comes to play rather rarely, but when it does - you have absolute control over it. More importantly the whole gameplay is fluid - you loop all your building queues and spawn these units all the time. Absolutely great. They of course ruined it all in Supreme Commander 2, but hey - nowadays players are idiots and you absolutely need to hold their hands and pop up a message it's time to pee every now and then. Or at least that's what EA seems to think with grotesque like Dragon Age 2 or the - oh higher beings, if you exist, smite them twice just to be sure - new titles in NFS series. But, as for this school of thought - this approach is in-game already with electricity and possibly comes future with water. I do think you can do more with it in these cases - but it's very unlikely we'll see it as a global way to manage resources.


I heard about that game from AngryJoe show it seemd to be intresting but not rlly my type of game :-).
I know that stupid handholdig view from today i like to do it my self and organize things. Good example i loved Dragon age Origins but wow the scond one was so dumb and bad...
Another new example is this X series damn what a nice times i had.. Devs lets make it casual handholding mainstream and Call it X rebirth lets take 7 years of development and then dump that *** on or trustet fans head. unplayable junk is what we got X stillbirth...


I would strongly advice you to watch your language. I do get the anger, damn, I have hard times not swearing myself when I think about DA2 or all these other epic failures in gaming (looking at ya, EA!), but still... keep it civil.


I changed it a bit thx for advice in my language we dot watch that kind of stuff, for example *whore* means in some cases i agree or very xD