AWP PLease

Started by Tonixzmac, December 12, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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New rare weapon for the weapon traders.
A few percentage of the weapon traders will have a AWP that cost around 50,000
-One Shot Kill
-High Accuracy
-2.5 sec Reload
awesome weapon for late game when vs 50+ raiders

Reply Yes if you like
Reply No if you don't
Let me know what you think.


No, this would make the game simplistic seeing as how the threat is mainly from raiders.  By creating a weapon that can one-hit kill with a high accuracy is too overpowered and would take the tactics out of the game.  I have yet to see a YouTube video where someone has gone up against "50+" raiders, this wouldn't be very affective for what the creator wants to accomplish through RimWorld.


Oh God COD/CS is overflowing into my colony sim noooooo
"When you know not of what you speak, your mouth is best used for chewing."
-Walter Slovotsky


Nooo, this would be way too OP.



...but shoots backwards...


Can we 'first-person' in Rimworld? XD
Rogue, from Kendermoore of Dragonlance.


Sure...if there was a med-high chance of backfire or imploding. Say it really needs to be worth it. There are a host of games I can think of were this would be more appropriate.


Do you mean the ever so powerful L96A1?

I'll go for yes. Two main reasons:

1) There are ways of slowing down the enemy AND forcing them to move single fire to a barrage of gunfire in a wide open space within gunshot range of pretty much any weapon. Turns a group of 25+ raiders into people pate.

2) I'd make the aim time higher than the M25 though. Being that the M25 takes about 4 seconds (realtime) to aim and deals 40 damage, a lethal shot of 100 damage from your AWP(kills all except for those with Tough Trait) should require a windup of say 7-8 seconds. This would make it only ideal for extremely long-range encounters and next to useless in a stand-up gunfight.  Particularly as you'd want to make sure that all of your colonists would focus on the guy with AWP (by pausing and manually selecting shoot at him) to avoid getting one-shotted.

Although truthfully, I'd not consider the L96A1 (or even the 50 caliber Barrett) the ultimate in sniper weapons. I'd consider the Infantry-Grade Railgun the ultimate in sniper weapons!