Out of Date Modding Tutorial

Started by Verticalphase, January 10, 2015, 10:37:28 PM

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I want to know how to mod, but the modding tutorial on the wiki seems like it is for Alpha 4. So, I was wondering if anyone could update it for all the new modders who need to learn how to code RimWorld? Thank you for anyone would do this for us.  :)


I have the same problem here, I tried to copy some lines from the core walls (for the first example of the tutorial), but it only gives me an impressive graphic bug... I have no experience, so a new tutorial would be great.


Just in case anybody wanted to make a mod for a recent version, here is what I did. Get an XML editor ( I don't know any other coding options ) then copy the xml files you want from the "core" mod, then just experiment. Hopefully this helps any new modder who wants to give it a try.  :)


Yeah, The Wiki doesn't have enough people updating it frequently enough, pages like the modding tutorial are unlikely to get updated that often.

Hopefully, now that it's been mentioned one of the editors will hopefully notice this and update it. :) Good Luck!
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