Binge drinking and starvation.

Started by loc978, February 20, 2015, 12:42:28 PM

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Add this one to the stack of odd new AI behavior.

So I have a colonist with chemical fascination who started going on regular binges as soon as I started brewing beer. It was usually quite funny. Sometimes she would vomit in the corner, eat a meal, vomit it back up, eat another... the cook would have to get out of bed to keep the cycle going, and that was fine.

Then one time, she started a binge while she was already hungry, passed right by the stacks of meals in the freezer to get to the beer. She drank the usual amount, and wandered around, not eating. Tried to manually tell her to eat, but couldn't, since she was in a "broken" Mental state. About the time her starvation hit 20%, I arrested her, thinking I could feed her with another colonist... but she wasn't incapacitated, so they just left a fine meal in the cell with her.

I think it was around a day later when the binge ended, she ate the meal and I released her. I may have just overreacted to the starvation warning, she only went up to about 40%... but... is this by design, or did I stumble on a bug?

I was unsure whether I should put this in bugs or stories... so I put it in general. :P


I'd like to think it's intended, but starving from a single binge is insane. Food would have to be reworked to be eaten daily to stay healthy and eat once a week to stay alive with malnutrition (random unconsciousness, slowed movement, etc).


A similar issue that tynan addressed. He said he will release a hotfix for it, so maybe it will fix yours too.
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


Yes, it's actually a bug which is fixed, I'm assembling a hotfixed build which will solve a number of issues like this.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on February 20, 2015, 02:17:03 PM
Yes, it's actually a bug which is fixed, I'm assembling a hotfixed build which will solve a number of issues like this.

Do people just binge whenever? I thought it was only when they were at low 'morale' but I've had people that were over 50% 'morale' binge out of no where.  My problem is that they binge for a WHOLE DAY!! I was getting attacked by raiders but two of my guys (out of 5) decided now was the time to get drunk which really hampers defense of the base.

In fact, in a mix / max stand point it makes zero sense to make beer since the moment you start to make it everything goes downhill.  If you don't make beer everyone is fine, but the moment you start making it you have people drinking it non-stop and have your pawns go onto binges that have them out of action for over a day since they tend to pass out afterwards.

While cute at first, with the increased spawn of bad events of this new patch it makes it a bad idea to make beer.  Why risk making beer when you can chance losing a pawn doing work for over a day? You have a huge risk making it with only a small net gain.  Plus it slows everything down since all my pawns would eat then drink and then drink again later in the day which only lowered their productiveness by at least 20%.

I've also had people that were 'happy' with 50% loyalty just randomly go broken which had them walking around randomly going into peoples room giving them a negative moodlet for a whole day. 

Also, while this may be off-topic, I'm not sure how colony wealth is calculated.  I have a colony of 5 people with a base made out of wood with 1k silver and hardly any supplies but the game says that my colony is worth 50k.  To me that makes no sense since I only have basic supplies, no good weapons or armor (only two people have armored vests) and we're starving but the game makes it look like I'm rich.


They can binge from nowhere if they have certain traits (chemical interest/fascination).

And you're right that beer isn't really balanced at all or useful right now. I'm planning on making a broader system it can feed into for A10.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog