Allow colonists to carry ranged AND melee weapon

Started by TimTumm, February 23, 2015, 12:52:26 PM

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For example this formula would let one master to fight several rookies at the same time. That only works in movies. I generally hate chance to dodge mechanic, and would be happier if it worked similar to personal shields. You could call the resource "stamina".


I agree about adding some parry/evade/hit chance in melee fights based on melee skill, number of enemies attacking one person and other variables (maybe with a"if parried a blow then add 0.3 to next attack cooldown and 0.5 to next enemy attack cooldown" or something to add "reality").
Right now melee fighters, even with shields or armors, when engaged in melee, even against small animals, get hit too many times.

In one of my games I have a sort of knight only good in melee, he is a brawler, has melee at 20 and a superior platsteel longsword. I expected him to get only one small wound or 0 wound from a pirate with 3melee and a shoddy steel shiv but he almost got his right leg destroyed (scarred) and his torso and arms were damaged too a couple of times (fully healed).
A 20 melee fighter should almost 1hit a 3 melee fodder in a 1v1 fight and should be able to parry a lot of blows in melee... And I am not speaking about hunting hares and squirrels with this 20 melee knight...

Benny the Icepick

Johnny Masters

Quote from: b0rsuk on March 20, 2015, 06:26:37 AM
For example this formula would let one master to fight several rookies at the same time. That only works in movies.

Although I agree that movies do mislead into such thoughts (and overstate them), and the primer for any martial artist is that you should flee instead of fight several opponents, it is possible to do so, and your training is a direct contributor to that. The problem is that the main tactic to fight multiple opponents is positioning, which the game engine has trouble in evince it.

I'm not sure what the current chance to hit is, but if is linear, then low skill pawns have trouble hitting each other, which would not be true if they have similar levels. The whys and hows of the miss changes between low level and high level, a lvl might miss more because it throws bad punches while a high level miss more because the same level foe blocks or dodges better.

That said, your worry is understandable and easy to balance: For every opponent beyond one attacking the pawn, the chance to "dodge" gets a small penalty or the foes get a bonus to hit.

Quote from: b0rsuk on March 20, 2015, 06:26:37 AM
I generally hate chance to dodge mechanic, and would be happier if it worked similar to personal shields. You could call the resource "stamina".

I'd say it's not a problem of the formula then, its the personal problem you have with dodge mechanics. A stamina is also valid, but my formula is simpler than that.

The good thing then is that the formula i suggested has no added dodge mechanics. All the dodging, parrying and blocking is abstracted into the compared chance to hit of the opponent. But there is space to other things to factor in such as armor, traits or number of opponents.


You should make a new topic for your idea, @Johnny. I really like it, but I don't want to hijack the thread. :x

As for OP's suggestion, I like it too from a practical standpoint, but I'd prefer it in combination with an inventory system. Basically, you have two or three slots to carry around stuff. You can use that for meals, medicine, weapons, mining picks, hauling, or whatever else. Sure, you can carry your rocket launcher with a rifle and a knife, but you ain't doin' nuthin' else 'till you drop something. ;)

On the other hand, long-range hauling would become more viable if you could carry two stacks of something (maybe with a meal in the third slot, if it's on the other side of the map).

The specifics could be fine tuned, but the concept is a good one, I think.


I think that shooters can equip ONLY a melee weapon like knife (for animals etc) or maybe something worse, because when shooters will can have longswords they will be tooooooo OP.


Quote from: Adamiks on March 20, 2015, 05:58:55 PM
I think that shooters can equip ONLY a melee weapon like knife (for animals etc) or maybe something worse, because when shooters will can have longswords they will be tooooooo OP.

They would still have to train that skill. Just equipping a knife doesn't make you OP.


Make. Why? Because with gun you can do almost nothing in fight with brawler, but if all shooters can have knifes.... I think you know what that mean. One people will "make it" and one second later he will have like ten colonists on his back.


Quote from: Adamiks on March 20, 2015, 07:10:23 PM
Make. Why? Because with gun you can do almost nothing in fight with brawler, but if all shooters can have knifes.... I think you know what that mean. One people will "make it" and one second later he will have like ten colonists on his back.

Well, that also goes for your colonists attacking the enemies ... once the enemies melee troops are killed (which happens fast as they try to storm your positions immediately upon arrival) their ranged troops are prey to your own melee troops ... and even 1-2 melee fighters of your own can dispatch the enemy ranged troops with ease.

But I agree about ranged soldiers having as maximum a knife as a secondary melee arm ...
or alternatively being able to use their ranged weapons as an improvised mace