[W|0.9.725] Pawns set to mine plasteel will keep mining to breaking point.

Started by paulme, April 15, 2015, 02:56:38 AM

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Version Found - 0.9.725

Title - Pawns set to mine platsteel  will keep mining to breaking point

Summary - Set some plasteel to be mined, it was far from the colony.  Some pawns sent to do the work would arrive just before being tired/ hungry.  Once started mining, they ignored that they became very tired/ hungry and would keep working until the ore was finished mining.  Was driving me crazy since the bad mood alert would keep popping.

Steps to Reproduce -
1. Wait until late in the day
2. Set some plasteel to be mined
3. Send a pawn to go mine the ore
4. Keep watching pawn thoughts.
5. Pawn will keep mining, while becoming increasingly upset, but will not leave.

Expected Results - Pawn should give up at some point and go eat/sleep.

Actual Results - I needed to repeatedly toggle 'soldier' mode on the miners to break the current order so they would leave to go eat and sleep.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog