Multiplayer games like rimworld

Started by Hakluzak, May 24, 2015, 02:16:52 AM

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im looking for multiplayer games like rimworld, timber and stone, gnomaria etc. More medieval than futuristic though can anyone think of any???


Haven and Hearth
Shores of Hazeron (futuristic)
Wurm Online
Life is Feudal


I have only played the first two and they were not good.


Renaissance Kingdom is a MMORPG. I haven't played it myself, but apparently it's pretty good.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is being developed right now, but looks really promising.

Mount & Blade : Warband is pretty good as well. The graphics are hideous, but it's sooo satisfying to play the battles. With the TONS of mods it has, you can't go wrong with this game.

EDIT: Granted, these games aren't really like Gnomoria and Rimworld, but they're medieval .. right? Guys?


Sorry, as good as is Mount&Blade, it is nothing like Rimworld.

I'm afraid I don't know a game both similar, medieval, let alone multiplayer.
You could try "Stronghold : Kingdoms", totally medieval at least. (it was a solo game before)

Maybe "Don't Starve Together", if you clinch your eyes very hard and are delusional.
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
Write an Event
[Story] Write an ending ! (endless included)
[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


So im assuming you want a game where multiple people build colonies in a starcraft manner, but in a way that uses a Rimworld building scheme or many colonies made by different people of the same world. I don't think such a game exists. I would love if Rimworld some day had a game mode like that but I don't think it is quite yet possible from things i've heard on these forms over the last couple of months. If there are games like OP description i would love to know what they are.


Lol this is kinda tough because there aren't many games like that. For building *colonies* with friends, maybe Stronghold Crusader HD? I'd also suggest Don't Starve Together, but the building there is pretty light.

First person builders/crafters like Life is Feudal or Rust may be in the right direction too, but like above they're not necessarily Z-level builders like gnomoria or Towns either. But they're multiplayer.



if anyone of you have ever played molyneux's black&white god game, the first one had this multiplayer system where each player can only build within their base's influence range. while influence borders that overlap within each other are open to griefing strategies, which is why it's important to strategically place and expand your influence range in both an offensive and defensive manner.

while the giant animal avatars were utilized for allowing the player to interact with the world that is outside their influence range.


i think the influence range concept is very applicable to rimworld multiplayer, maybe just add a new object which can be utilized as the influence point of origins across the map. which can serve as capture points which can be contested by multiple players to gain more influence.

the thing about this though is that black & white 1 didn't have soldiers and fighting was usually done by the giant animals. meanwhile black & white 2 had soldiers, but iirc the devs for some strange reason did not support multiplayer.

it was a total wasted opportunity.


I can only think of Space Station 13 at the top of my head if you want to act out a character and do things on a space station. I don't think there's anything particularly similar otherwise.