[w|0.12.906] Unable to construct wooden research table

Started by Jinxed, August 25, 2015, 02:07:54 PM

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Situation: I decided to relocate the research table and deconsturcted the old wooden research table.
What happened: I was able to choose only "Silver" when choosing the material for a new research table. Even though by default "Steel" is chosen.
What I expected to happen: I wanted to see "Steel" and "Wood" options available in material choice.
Reproduction: Figured it out. It does not offer the choice of materials that you do not possess. I find it to be a design flaw, since I want to plan out layout before I have materials available for construction. Also, steel is available always by default no matter if you got materials or not.


It's by design. Otherwise every time you made something you'd have to select from a HUGE list of materials, many of which you'll never get, and some of which may be semi-secret.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog