siege canceling

Started by mew_the_pinkmin, October 29, 2015, 09:37:59 AM

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During a siege if you designate a floor to be built then cancel the floor using the cancel tool any sandbags and mortars above the floor will be canceled as well

Bug reproduction: using dev-tools press raid then {Pirate group name here} then any # then siege[NO] then wait for siegers to land and put the blueprints up then go to FLOORS in the architect menu then select any floor type (metal tile, wood, slate, ect...) then designate it to be built under the siegers blueprints the press "C" or cancel tool then cancel all of the floors
NoBadOrganThoughts        BigBatteries        PlantSaver


THANKS DUDE! I know we aren't supposed to do this, but I just completely saved my guys! Cheers  ;D
Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"


Will be fixed in A14. Thanks.