Open Base Design

Started by Agent00Soul, April 15, 2016, 02:19:50 AM

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I see alot of comments about having to build into mountains to be safe. I played my first few games that way but didn't like being pigeon-holed so changed it up the last few times. So here it is in case anyones wandering how to get outta the dark :)

Basically it starts as 1/4 the size, a single quadrant, once thats secure add another next to it, then finally add 2 more to make the square.

Fight in the corridors for armed bandits, big tribal or mech raids you can fire your first rounds from the corridor doors then pull back to the courtyard to finish them off if they are too many.

Sappers are easily done with this. They blow the first wall, sometimes killing their own, position your guys n gals on the dividing wall so they can fire either side. Destroy them as they assault the second wall, if they get through that, there will only be a few, pick em off.

Have 6 colonists in heavy siege/hive/combat armour to soak up the damage. Everyone vital, crafters doctors have long range (assault to sniper)

Sieges. Have more artillery. Everything after the first is easy.

Its a fair bit of granite, nearly all of it was bought from traders from the silver gained in raids.. process bodies into biomatter and grow organs, clothes n guns. Have alot of haulers to maximise profit before deterioration.

Base is a little big.. Didn't quite get to finishing it out before the a13 announcement and now I'm not motivated :)


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Aha! Another brave soul building a huge base in the middle of the map!

My fort design is much more compact though - I don't hoard unnecessary things and I focus all defenses on outer wall.

For a picture of the base you have to wait until I rebuild it when I get to play A13 with CR and Hardcore SK. I'm happy that new relationship system will let me make it even more compact with double bed bedrooms.


It is hard to be disciplined and not stockpile stuff isn't it.

Really should be 25% smaller with slightly smaller corridors up the middle. Had so many plans to refine it but alas A13 is here.

Meant to mention its on hardcore mod, not vanilla. Find vanilla to be too.. simple.


If you mean open as in not built into a mountain, I do it all the time, in fact I prefer it. Allows you to build better.

If you mean open as in no killbox, then you have a killbox its just not manned by turrets ;)

I did a few alphas ago try a truly open base, in the middle of a desert. No outside wall, just a sandbagged perimeter. It worked ok for a while then enemy forces just became too large, and power requirements too high. Of course this was before the new defensive measures were introduced, and before I learned a few tricks I've been using recently. Might be fun to try again.