A suggestion for the forum

Started by MAKAIROSI, May 11, 2016, 07:28:05 AM

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In order to keep the forum clean of multiple same threads it would be wise to delete new topics that have the same suggestions over and over again (for example, the ability to procreate). I read the "frequently suggested" sticky and i got lost in the replies (like one-liners asking for z-levels) and i assume it would be a good thing to add those to the "frequently suggested" topic and delete them so at least the stickies remain clean.

Right now there is no way to know if an idea someone comes up with hasn't already been expressed in the 200+ pages of topics in the suggestions forum. Not only that, but maybe someone in page 143 had a really interesting idea that has now been forgotten. Another possibility would be to add some sort of timer so posts are deleted after a certain period (even a year). They could be automatically archived for Ludeon's use. If a topic's suggestion is already included in the "frequently asked" sticky then the topic should be replied to and deleted i think (let's say a day after it's closed). If a topic has multiple suggestions while one of them is included in the frequently asked then the poster may be asked to edit the topic and exclude that particular suggestion (since it has been noted numerous times).

The sole reason for all these suggestions here is because it would be a shame for a cool idea to get lost, or an already existing idea being reposted over and over again, cramping the forum.


Actually, there is a way to know.  It's called The Search Function, and it's technically supposed to get used before a new topic is created.