New Job suggestion: Pet Tamer / Herder

Started by colonistPally, February 14, 2014, 12:23:57 AM

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The tale has been told and retold, but nobody knows the true story. This is the true saga of when 300 War Muffalo stood up to the 300,000 Raiders in Muffamopylae Pass. :D

THIS! IS! MUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!! (headbutts a raider into the pit)

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You could line up on the other side of the wall, with all your colonists mounted on their Muffalo steeds. The raiders smash the wall with an almighty crash and pour into the base. A single trumpet note is heard, and the colonists charge into battle atop their steeds.

-The Last March of the Muffalo
'Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying'
-Arthur C. Clarke'
'Needs moar boosters!'
-Jebadiah Kerman


After a great muffalo battle you can see semi-transparent floating muffalo with wings taking the fallen mighty muffalo warriors spirits to the great beyond where they have earned their place in eternity as well as comforting the injured until they can be taken back to their muffalo stables to recuperate. "Good luck mighty muffalo, may we meet again in the great beyond." -Muffalo Commander of the 501st Muffalo Legion