Reflect variables?

Started by CallMeDio, August 09, 2016, 08:12:41 PM

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Hello, Its me again with my problematic detours, I need to detour a method that reads and writes to a private variable of its class, do anyone have a example of how I can reflect variables?
Just a generic example or point me to a source code that haves it
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Managed to do this. Not all this different from reflecting methods and fields...
example reflecting the private Pawn pawn from Pawn_AgeTracker. Still didn't tested. but no errors on compile, so I guess thats it.

         internal static PropertyInfo _pawn;

         internal static Pawn pawn()
            if (_pawn == null)
               _pawn = typeof(Pawn_AgeTracker).GetProperty("pawn", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            return (Pawn)_pawn.GetValue(_pawn,null);

QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


This Might Help. I have Method that takes a Projectile and then uses Reflection to return its private destination variable. Not that I have tried it but it looks like there is also a SetValue method on the fieldInfo that should work for setting it. This is some of the earlier reflection code that I so it might not be that good, but it works and hopefully it can be of some help.

Have a look at the "GetTargetLocationFromProjectile" Method in


Hey, I was about to ask how to write to it (as Im messing with .SetValue without success) as I saw your message. I will take a look
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Wow, nice! never saw a mod file with 1k lines  :o,
I searched all the files and there is no .SetValue gonna keep fighting

edit: apparently I did it

_pawn.SetValue(_pawn, valuehere, null);
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Quote from: CallMeDio on August 09, 2016, 08:41:39 PMexample reflecting the private Pawn pawn from Pawn_AgeTracker. Still didn't tested. but no errors on compile, so I guess thats it.
         internal static PropertyInfo _pawn;

         internal static Pawn pawn()
            if (_pawn == null)
               _pawn = typeof(Pawn_AgeTracker).GetProperty("pawn", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            return (Pawn)_pawn.GetValue(_pawn,null);

That code will throw an error and won't work.  You are passing the PropertyInfo as the Object to get the Property Value from.  Further, "pawn" is not a property of Pawn_AgeTracker, it's a field so you are reflecting a FieldInfo.

Try this instead:
         internal static FieldInfo _pawn;

         internal static Pawn GetPawn( this Pawn_AgeTracker _this )
            if (_pawn == null)
               _pawn = typeof(Pawn_AgeTracker).GetField("pawn", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            return (Pawn)_pawn.GetValue(_this,null);

(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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I just noticed my errors now you said it as in the end I figured I was detouring the wrong thing and didn't needed this part. But thanks for noticing it as I could have confused someone looking on this thread for help  :P

QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Is there anyway to do that when the class that have the thing you want to reflect is static? just spent the last hours detouring and reflecting a massive method to get a crapton of errors that the reflections I did are not set to a instance of an object. But if I add the class I get other errors, that a static class cannot be used like that...

Edit: Nvm, just found out (the thing in the example is not in a static class, but Im just doing like it was on the same example to show the difference):

internal static FieldInfo _pawn;

         internal static Pawn GetPawn()
            if (_pawn == null)
               _pawn = typeof(Pawn_AgeTracker).GetField("pawn", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            return (Pawn)_pawn.GetValue(null);
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Still wrong.  The code I posted was correct.
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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It worked anyways (it is for reflecting stuff that is inside static classes where you can't do: "this blablaclass _this"
QuoteYou may need a rubber duck.  Also, try some caveman debugging.

Released mods: No Mood Loss on Prisoner Sold or Died


Doesn't matter, the code you posted is wrong.  That it's irrelevant is a side issue.  :P
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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