Colonists Models Not Matching Gener

Started by Phienyx, March 19, 2014, 04:14:09 PM

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Why is it that even though I've created 3 male beginning colonists, I end up with 3 female models for them?  Its happened the other way as well.  I assume this will be addressed at some point.


Quote from: Phienyx on March 19, 2014, 04:14:09 PM
Why is it that even though I've created 3 male beginning colonists, I end up with 3 female models for them?  Its happened the other way as well.  I assume this will be addressed at some point.

It will (with 99% certainty) right now it's just the random nature of the character creation randomization element.

Each character in the game is assinged a random body shape from the whole pool of available shapes and sizes and haircuts and whatnot.

If you look in the change log you can see Tynan is working hard to flesh out the different factions and make sure they fit the nature of the faction with the clothes, hair and body.

I assume later on it will still be random, but it will narrow down the available body shapes depending on what has been chosen..

Random pawn spawns

Random gender is chosen > Male
Body shape is then randomized from available pool of male or gender neutral shapes
Random hairsyle is chosen from pool of male or neutral hairstyles
random clothes are selected from male or neutral pool.

Change log:

Thunder Rahja

For the creative content rewards, you actually could specify a male with a female shape, and vice versa, when making a character.


Gener was a typo.  Was supposed to be gender, but I assume you already know that. hehe


There are 5 character body types, but only two of them are gender-exclusive. Three can go either way (Hulk, Thin, and Fat). Perhaps you got one of those.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Phienyx on March 19, 2014, 04:14:09 PM
Why is it that even though I've created 3 male beginning colonists, I end up with 3 female models for them?  Its happened the other way as well.  I assume this will be addressed at some point.
I randomly get that too but you should have seen alpha 1 XDDD I only got mixed genders!!


Hehe.... ok.  Keep up the great work.  As many gripes as i might have, this game is addicting and I know you'll get things sorted.


This kind of threw me a little as well. After starting and naming my colony "All Girls", and then noticing two thirds were male (with feminine names), I felt a little bad for my male colonists. Though misrepresented maybe they don't mind so much as they're concept of gender roles must be a lot different considering what evolution seems to have done to their features...


What colonist models doesn't match their gender? Those that get fat burly models? If you don't think us girls can get fat and burly you guys really need to get out more...