Globalization - Build ur base everywhere!

Started by Zorroexe, September 22, 2016, 09:52:27 AM

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I don't know if there's such an idea, but here goes.

It will be great if we'r able to build up bases anywhere in the world map we started with on new game. (Including Underwater or Above water)

These bases will be faction of (insert you'r colony name here) + (Outpost name). Being able to control each respective bases, through their each individual panels (Colony A' ppl have to be switched over to Colony A' file to control.)

Each base will require individual load. When you switch over to another base, the inactive base will run on an expected output rate (Example: Food: Field size + average temperate + Shelter Y or N + average attention to Glowing duties). Expected output resources will be spawn (to a certain cap) in assigned area. Making these some-what real-time, and not making a huge load on CPU.

Transportation/ Allocation tabs: transport goods in between bases (require someone assigned to it, like current trade cavern). Load depends on number of entities assigned. (more = more goods).

Colony/Base tabs: to keep track and switch/ quick load to the said base.

Map: add some realism to land assault. For example, if there's a land raid from "Tribal A" to your Base B, this raid will travel a path (roughly RNG generated) from Point A to B. If there's some if your other bases in it's path, this raid party will assault those as well until they reach point B.

Map Incident events: Bombard from space to planet, such as a space siege that last x duration. Strong underwater current for underwater and above water base.

Map Defenses: Such defense(Building) that mitigate the damage from such 'Map Incident Events'.

Turret defenses:
-a turret that counter mortar' shells by shooting at enemy mortar shells (accuracy %).
-a flag turret that counters enemies' drop pod (given drop pods HP), flags does damage to drop pods, destroyed if hit 0.

-Can we have an in-built mod-maker which is 100% compatibility (unless some name conflict) for C++ noobs, like me?
-Can we have a mod migration? (from Factorio) where the game will delete the entity if there isn't a references.