Timer Switches

Started by merthsoft, September 26, 2016, 01:26:43 PM

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Yes, the resting hours are fixed. There's actually a Day/Night switch mod designed with sun lamps in mind, btw.


Quote from: MarvinKosh on October 04, 2016, 02:47:20 PM
Yes, the resting hours are fixed. There's actually a Day/Night switch mod designed with sun lamps in mind, btw.

Right, but it doesn't actually match up exactly to the resting period AFAIK. Have seen more than a few posts that are positive that resting hours are slightly less than the night period provided by the day/night switch, meaning you are missing out on some growing time by not either running a battery (on the sunlamp side of the day/night switch) to make up for some of that lost growing time or just running the sun lamp 24 hours/day and thereby wasting power much of the night but still getting a bit more growing.

Now it could be they are wrong and the day/night switch is perfectly setup. Haven't paid close enough attention myself yet to really know.


Even if Day/Night Switch is not perfect it works well enough for me. There is also Haplo's PowerSwitch which allows you to set the time freely. But the interface is a bit awkward and it's locked behind research, which I don't like.

So this would be nice when it's done.


Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on October 04, 2016, 02:45:26 PM
Are there concrete resting hours, or does that change per latitude? If they don't vary, it'd be nice if there was a pre-set button for those hours.
As I know, they're always the same - 19pm-5am.


Ah, yes, I didn't have saving in there yet. It's implemented now.

I'm not sure about having a built-on day/night option. I think, design-wise, it's better for people to figure that out on their own, or look it up.

Also, this is gated behind research right now. That's easy to change, though--you can remove that from the defs. Question, then, for everyone: Should I gate it behind research (just microelectronic basics and and specific research), or not?

Current download w/ saving: http://merthsoft.com/TimerSwitches_2.zip


You're missing the abstract BuildingBase and have some quirky sentence structures in there. I hope you don't mind, I made some very slight changes to reduce redundancy and fix the missing base (see the attachment). The only thing you have left to do is recolour the On/Off buttons and their respective tiles because the colours are too similar, otherwise I think you can release this. It's so good!

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]


Thanks! I appreciate the help :)

What colors do you see? I see brown and grey:

Specifically, I'm using the same colors as the Anything and Work buttons on the restrict tab, to make it consistent:
        public static Texture2D OffColor => TimeAssignmentDefOf.Anything.ColorTexture;
        public static Texture2D OnColor => TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work.ColorTexture;


Brown and grey are way too similar in the colour range IMO, but I might be over-sensitive. I recommend something like blue/grey for sharp contrast.


How's this:

I like it more!



Dope! Here's the most up-to-date version:

Will upload on Steam and make a "Finished" thread probably tomorrow. Wanna test it a bit more to make sure it's robust enough :)

Also, I think I got all your changes in there, but forgive me if I missed any--just let me know!