Raiders take over base after losing.

Started by Vilusia, March 23, 2014, 09:50:15 PM

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I don't know... I like the idea, but the game seems to have huge potential with colonist traits, thoughts, and maybe relationships in the future, so... For now, I'd love to be able to keep my buildings after everyone's death, but maybe this could get less interesting in the next versions.


Quote from: confusedwings on March 27, 2014, 05:45:37 PM

you can't die... remember your not a person from the colony your 'overviewing'.
second those raiders also come out of nowhere so why can't any of your ppl get back to it...
And for the story-line it could go from
* you crashed there and wanna get back but must survive fist (what's the story now).
- The colony is a big succes and the resources can't be left behind... not a big step...
Quote from: Vilusia on March 27, 2014, 05:52:12 PM
You are making 0 sense

This made perfect sense to me. I'll pass it through my magical filter which attempts to clean the language up, but it may add an idea or two.

You can't die... remember you're not a person from the colony; you're basically giving orders to them from above. Are you god, a commander on a radio -- who knows.

Second, those raiders also spawn out of nowhere so why can't any of your people spawn in the same way -- much like they already do throughout the game as people from your ship finally falling to the ground (like debris) and you need to rescue them. But maybe they come from somewhere else after your colonists get their comms up and advance their range to a certain degree. Say your designated comms-person manages to send a distress signal out before the raiders kill them (Serenity film).

And for the story-line it could go from
"You crashed there and wanna get back but must survive first" (which is what I think it is now) to "The colony is a big success and the resources can't be left behind." Not a big step.