Kind trait - broken

Started by taha, December 27, 2016, 11:11:18 AM

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... or at least is not working as described / intended.

"[Colonist] has a tendency to brighten everyone else's day and never insults others."

I made a colony only with people with "kind" trait. They insult each other, they start social fights, etc. Only beneficial thing: once in a blue moon they do say something nice.

Honestly, first time when I saw them starting a social fight, I was sure some prisoner escaped and I did not noticed the alert. Then I looked in Social tab, and saw "Slighted x4" and "Insulted x2". All 4 colonists are "kind".

I think I'm going to mod thoughts to make insults a non-issue.

Anyone else had this experience?


This was reported in the bugs thread earlier today (so at least one other player has experienced it)