Tape mesure

Started by Sion, April 10, 2014, 02:53:24 PM

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Sometimes it is needed to know how far 2 points on the map are from each others, and therefore I would like something similar to a tape measure, I'm currently using the Power Conduit for this purpose because it costs 1 iron per meter (assuming 1 square = 1 meter), the "problem" is that you have to pause the game while measuring or the colonists start to build the wires, and it cant measure through mountains.

It would be cool if the "tape measure" could display the measurement on the map with numbers, so you don't have to keep it in your head.

I think the Planning tool can be modified to behave like this, possibly make it possible to toggle the displaying of numbers, I also would like the Planing tool to display both "X length" & "Y length" & "Area size", when you draw a square, (also toggle-able)
So many ideas... so little time...
Silence is the worst answer.