Caravan optimisation

Started by munsta0, April 14, 2017, 04:01:18 PM

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Hey all,

I'm ending my playthrought and I decided to attack an enemy settlements with nearly all my pawns and all my animals.

It appears that I've exceeded what the caravan code can handle at the moment.

12 pawns
roughly ~250 animals ( 220 of those being autrishes that just spawned from eggs )

If I attempt to run the game on 3x speed, my framerate drops to 5.

For reference, while I did get a fps drop in my base after the eggs hatched, it was minimal and nothing compared to this.

As a side note, gearing a caravan of 230 animals taking a really long time of pawns fucking around with the animals, walking in circles and such, not too certain what that was about, lasted about 2-3 hours ingame before they decided to start loading the animals.

Let's see if I can make it to the enemy!


I assume that autrishes = ostriches?

Are you playing with any mods? Mods can increase the demand on the CPU, leading to game lag.

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that there's lag when you're dealing with hundreds of pawns, all of which are pathfinding and looking for jobs to do. When you increase the game speed, you ask the game to compute more stuff in less time. Under "normal" circumstances, this is fine. But when you have a lot going on it's easy to see slow downs like this.

Keep in mind that RimWorld does most of its processing tasks in 1 thread, so multi-core systems really don't give you an advantage. The biggest speed boost comes from having a faster clock speed, rather than more cores or ram.

I'd be interested to hear how this turns out, though.