(Mod Suggestion) Angled and rounded walls

Started by Derdek, May 24, 2017, 04:35:03 PM

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Hello, I didn't see anything about this after my search. Has anyone considered creating a set of angled and rounded wall types so that we can create more structure shapes without having to live with jagged edges all over the place? With the addition of the right set of shapes we would be able to create rounded and angular structures and it would greatly improve the aesthetics of the game.

Thanks, I don't have the ability to do this myself but unless I am ignorant of something I believe someone out there can.


I don't know if there's anything out there already but I'm sure you could manage it. While creating an actual wall atlas might be difficult, you could instead create singular wall objects that could be placed like horse shoes or furniture. I think it could be a good introduction to modding if you were interested. If you wanna give it a shot feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help you.

Otherwise if you aren't interested in learning to mod yourself I could do it in my free time.
Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.


I appreciate the offer. I am not in a position to create this mod for myself right now, but if this goes unnoticed for long enough I might give it a crack. It does seem simple on paper though.


That's completely understandable. I'll give it a go in a bit.
Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.