Incapable of X suggestion

Started by Slowtapus, August 09, 2017, 01:39:27 PM

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Hello all. Quite simply put I think that the Incapable of X type of work should be replaced with moods. This could be done in multiple ways. The way I am specifically thinking of is that things that give Incapable of X would instead give a negative passion towards it. This would represent that they passionately dislike the job type.

My primary reason for stating this is that many players new to the game and even long time players really dislike that some people will just sit down and die rather than bring food home. This change would mean that people with backgrounds that suggest a person is particularly bad at, inexperienced in or just dislikes a type of work will not only get negative moods from it and be at risk of breaking but also learn it slower.

Overall this has the same effect of allowing a person's background to profoundly alter their ability to do something - without requiring that they die before doing it. It also allows you to have different levels of handicap on a pawn as they can with passions. I apologise if this has been mentioned before. I only scanned the first 2 pages to check.

While this idea would use entirely pre-existing systems I feel like since it would demand reworking a number of those systems it doesn't at all qualify for a cheap idea. I'm interested to know what everyone thinks.