Suggestion for your favourite colonists

Started by Snoopy384, September 16, 2017, 01:51:48 AM

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I tend to get really attached to my colonists during the course of a game and, with the help of dev commands, I end up rushing to building a ship and ending the game. Normally i save before use the ship and reload to go back to playing with them, but i'd love to see an option to start a new game on a new planet using the same colonists from a previous game


It's not really what you'd suggest. But you can create the starting item and pawn via mod though.
The mod's called EDB prepare carefully. I use it to choose the exactly same colonist stats and their health problem or bionic part with them to begin a new start. You can edit their inventory too.


I'm almost positive I've seen a mod that lets you restart with your previous colonists on a new map.
