Downed Refugee - Colonist's Mother Rescue, Mother is not at mission site

Started by haggarbombs, November 30, 2017, 02:40:33 AM

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I'm not sure if this mission played out as intended. I sent a party to rescue a colonist's mother who was stranded and had radioed for help. When the party got there it was an ambush. No problem, just some tribals. I kill them easily and look around, but there is nobody to rescue. So i'm not sure if I was doomed to fail the mission since an ambush was waiting, or if the encounter was bugged. It's a pain in the butt because now i have a -20 mood modifier on my colonist for the next ~2 quadrums.


I managed to rescue somebody, but they disappeared when the party re-entered our home colony. Bugs, bugs, bugs.


Quote from: dv on December 01, 2017, 01:33:27 PM
I managed to rescue somebody, but they disappeared when the party re-entered our home colony. Bugs, bugs, bugs.

Same. I rescued and healed them at the encounter site, then used "pick up and leave map" option to carry them away rather than wait a week to fully heal. When the caravan arrived back home, the refugee had gone.

I suspect that this method stops the game from ever reaching the decision point as to whether or not a rescued spacer joins your colony (as it can on your home map), meaning the only way to "rescue" someone from a remote encounter is to capture them and drive them home as a slave.